Floribunda Florist in Urmston, Manchester can deliver fresh flowers to anywhere in the UK, Europe or the World through our international network of florists.
When you place an order with us, you can specify the date and time you want the flowers to arrive at your chosen delivery address and we calculate a delivery cost and then based on the address we will either hand deliver the flowers ourselves if possible, if within a 30 mile radius of Urmston or use our distribution service to send the flowers to anywhere in the world.
Same day deliveries must be received by 1pm GMT, please call the shop if you need same day delivery and have missed the webshop cut off time . We should still be able to deliver for you.
Delivery Days Christmas
We deliver flowers from 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday and 9-4pm on Saturdays. We are open on Sundays up until Christmas.
22nd.23rd.24th December normal delivery/click and collect
25th.26th.27th.28th.29th December shop closed no deliveries only funeral flowers pre arranged
30th.31st December delivering/click and collect shop open 10 till 4
Closed January 1st.2nd
Back as normal from 3rd January
Weddings, balloon packages and event flowers can be delivered 7 days a week.
Along with Urmston, we also deliver to Ardwick, Ashton Upon Mersey, Baguley, Cadishead, Carrington, Didsbury, Eccles, Fallowfield, Firswood, Flixton, Gorse Hill, Hulme, Irlam, M17, M30, M31, M32, M33, M41, M44, Manchester, Monton, Northenden, Old Trafford, Ordsall, Partington, Patricroft, Sale, Salford, Stretford, Swinton, Trafford Park, Urmston, West Didsbury, Whalley Range, Withington, Wythenshawe.